Upcoming Events
Monthly Membership Meeting
Summary of December Events, Girl’s Career Institute, Read Across America, St. Patrick Day Parade, Senior Dinner with Police, Flower Sale Fundraiser, Scholarships, My Favorite Lady, Van Fleet Garden, National Day Out.
Monthly Membership Meeting
Reading Across America, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Senior Dinner with Police
Read Across America Day
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Committee: Education-Guest Readers for Read Across America Day
Members of the Women’s Civic League may volunteer their time to be guest readers within an assigned classroom at Van Derveer Elementary School. The school will assign the guest readers to a classroom on the celebration day. Teachers have books for guest readers or a short favorite children’s book may be brought.
Date: Friday, March 7, 2025 (Confirm date)
Time: 9:00-10:00
Location: Van Derveer Elementary School- Meet in the front lobby for check in.
Van Derveer Contact: TBD
Chairperson: Michelle Vacchio
St Patrick's Dinner for Seniors
Committee: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at the Senior Center
In collaboration with the Somerville Police Department, seniors are provided with a St. Patrick’s Day dinner and entertainment.
Details: Contact: Officer Vince to arrange for the date of dinner, confirm that he will arrange for Irish Dancers ( Heritage Irish Dance Company) and identify members of the police department that will help with serving meals.
Contact: Larry Booker- Somerset County Police Pipe and Drums
Contact: Maureen Dwyer- Ordering of Corned Beef etc.
Date: Thursday , March 13, 20225
Time: 3:30 set. up , 5pm dinner
Location: Somerville Senior Housing Building, One Mountain Ave. Somerville, NJ Chairperson: Ashley Vaughn and Maureen Dwyer
Monthly Membership Meeting
Flower Sale, Girls on the Run, My Favorite Lady Program, Van Fleet Garden and Memorial Day,
Scholarship Search begins
Committee: Education: Scholarships
College Scholarships are awarded to two students from Somerville High School and Immaculata High School.
Details: The co-chair of this committee reaches out to the executive board to discuss possible candidates and then communicates with the high school guidance department of Somerville and Immaculata High Schools to identify two female students from each school that would benefit from scholarship support. Additionally, the co-chair finds out the date of each scholarship presentation night to be available to hand out scholarships to recipients].
Contacts: Somerville Guidance Department: Mrs. Nancy Garvey-908-243-1549
Immaculata Guidance Department: Mrs. Linda Tully], Director of School Counseling 908- 722-0200 ext. 1136,ltully@immaculatahighschool.org
Chairperson: Michelle Vacchio
Monthly Membership Meeting
Flower Sale, Girls on the Run, My Favorite Lady Program Van Fleet Garden and Memorial Day
My Favorite Lady
This is a Somerville Civic League club activity.
Committee: Education- My Favorite Lady
Participants are to write about their “Favorite Lady” and present their readings to those special individuals on the steps of the United Reformed Church. Participating writers receive a gift card from the Civic League. The “Favorite Ladies” are presented with a rose.
Event Date: Friday, May 2, 2025
Girls Night Out
Committee: Girls Night Out
An annual spring event hosted by the Downtown Somerville Alliance. Members volunteer for the many events planned during the night to promote our club.
DSA Contact: Natalie Pineiro- Downtown Somerville Alliance Managing Consultant: npineiro@somervillenj.org
Date: Thursday May 15th, 2025 (confirm date)
Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00
Location: Downtown Somerville, locations will be provided based on activity
Monthly Membership Meeting
Elections of board officers, Girls on the Run in June, My Favorite Lady, National Night Out, End of Year Social
Girls on the Run 5k
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Committee: Girls On The Run
This annual event in June supports the Girls On the Run Organization. Civic League Members sign up to volunteer for pre and post run events. Girls on the Run Central New Jersey, teaches critical life skills which is the cornerstone of research-based programs. Within schools, trained volunteer coaches inspire team members with and without disabilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. The culmination of their work together is a 5K race.
Contact: Lynn Sherman: Program Coordinator Girls on the Run of Central Jersey - Lynn.Sherman@GirlsontheRun.org
Website for volunteer sign up: https://www.gotrcnj.org/
Dates: Sunday, November 17, 2024 and June 8, 2025
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Somerset County Courthouse lawn- East High Street and Grove Street
Chairperson: Pam Wasilius
National Night Out
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Committee: National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community.
Our Somerville Police Department organizes a free, fun filled night with many activities, performances, food and refreshments provided by local businesses.
The Womens’ Civic League sponsored a Gelato truck for the community to enjoy a delicious treat.
Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
Location: Carol Pager Park ( Between North Bridge Street and Davenport Street across from the YMCA)
Chairperson: Laura Camisa
Wreaths Across America
Committee: Wreaths Across America
Civic League Members meet at the New Cemetery in Somerville at 11:30. Members stand in attendance at the 12:00 service and help to place wreaths on the graves of veterans. The Civic League makes a donation to this cause. If you would like to sponsor your own wreath please donate online:http://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/NJ0104
Details: Service at Noon, laying of the wreaths directly follows
Date: December 14, 2024
Location: New Cemetery in Somerville- 192 South Bridge Street
Chairperson: Leigh McLachlan
Senior Housing Holiday Dinner
An annual event that the members of the Somerville Civic League provide a festive holiday meal at Senior Housing for their residents.
Holiday Wrapping
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Holiday Wrapping for Downtown Somerville Alliance- Shop Small Saturday.
9th Annual Somerville 5K Turkey Trot
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Registration information:
Committee: Turkey Trot
Civic Members volunteer in pre or post race events for this annual community 5 K race through the streets of Somerville.
Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024
Location: Engine Company No. 1, 170 E. Main St. Somerville, NJ
Website to sign up for 5K race or to volunteer: https://runsignup.com/somerville5k
Monthly Membership Meeting
Christmas Carol Tea Fundraiser, Senior Holiday Dinner, Wreaths Across America
Girls on the Run
Committee: Girls On The Run
This annual event in November & June that supports the Girls On the Run Organization. Civic League Members sign up to volunteer for pre and post run events. Girls on the Run Central New Jersey, teaches critical life skills which is the cornerstone of research-based programs. Within schools, trained volunteer coaches inspire team members with and without disabilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. The culmination of their work together is a 5 K race.
Contact:Lynn Sherman: Program Coordinator Girls on the Run of Central Jersey-Lynn.Sherman@GirlsontheRun.org Website for volunteer sign up:https://www.gotrcnj.org/
Dates: Sunday, November 17, 2024 June 2025 (TBD)
Time: 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Location: Somerset County Courthouse lawn- East High Street and Grove Street Chairperson: Pam Wasilius:
Monthly Membership Meeting
October: Lock down flower sale wholesaler
November: Girl’s Career Institute, Girl’s On the Run, Turkey Trot, Small Business Saturday
December: Senior Dinner, Christmas Carol Tea Fundraiser, Wreaths Across America
GFWC Day of Service
Federation Event
Operation Holiday Stocking Special Request: Medical Supplies
Monthly Membership Meeting
Opening Meeting for 2024-2025 Year
Hopes and wishes for 2024-2025
Review By-Laws, Budget, 2024/25 Calendar of Events
National Night Out
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Committee: National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community.
Our Somerville Police Department organizes a free, fun filled night with many activities, performances, food and refreshments provided by local businesses.
The Womens’ Civic League sponsored a Gelato truck for the community to enjoy a delicious treat.
Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
Location: Carol Pager Park ( Between North Bridge Street and Davenport Street across from the YMCA)
Chairperson: Laura Camisa
Girls on the Run 5k
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Committee: Girls On The Run
This annual event in June supports the Girls On the Run Organization. Civic League Members sign up to volunteer for pre and post run events. Girls on the Run Central New Jersey, teaches critical life skills which is the cornerstone of research-based programs. Within schools, trained volunteer coaches inspire team members with and without disabilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. The culmination of their work together is a 5K race.
Contact: Lynn Sherman: Program Coordinator Girls on the Run of Central Jersey - Lynn.Sherman@GirlsontheRun.org
Website for volunteer sign up: https://www.gotrcnj.org/
Dates: Sunday, November 19, 2023 and June 9, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Somerset County Courthouse lawn- East High Street and Grove Street
Chairperson: Pam Wasilius
Monthly Membership Meeting
Elections of board officers.
National Night Out
End of Year Social.
Girls Night Out
Committee: Girls Night Out
An annual spring event hosted by the Downtown Somerville Alliance. Members volunteer for the many events planned during the night to promote our club.
DSA Contact: Natalie Pineiro- Downtown Somerville Alliance Managing Consultant: npineiro@somervillenj.org
Date: Thursday May 16th, 2024
Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00
Location: Downtown Somerville, locations will be provided based on activity
My Favorite Lady
This is a Somerville Civic League club activity.
Committee: Education- My Favorite Lady
Girl Scout Troop Members write about their “Favorite Lady” and present their readings to those special individuals on the steps of the United Reformed Church. Participating writers receive a gift card from the Civic League for an “Epic” cookie. The “Favorite Ladies” are presented with a rose.
Press: 2023 Tapinto,net article
Details: In the beginning of March, contact Girl Scout leaders- present them with completed sample of writing and picture, instructions and deadlines, copy and provide writing and drawing paper. Keep in contact with the leaders as far as progress, and ask for the number of children participating by April 26, 2024 so that cookie gift cards and roses can be purchased. Scout Leaders should collect and bring writing with them for the event.
Reach out to United Reform Church in March: (908) 725-4545 or admin@urcsomerville.org for a building usage application for the date of the event.
Event Date: Friday, May 3, 2024
Contact: Kathi Chapman-Gutierrez, co leader Somerville, NJ Girl Scout Troop #60725- chattykat8@yahoo.com Florist for roses: Scott’s Florist- 73 West Somerset Street, Raritan, NJ- 908-218-0033
Chairperson- Michelle Vacchio
Monthly Membership Meeting
Nominate scholarship recipients.
Elections for the 2024-2026 board officers.
Volunteers to register for Girls on the Run
Planning of My Favorite Lady Celebration
Scholarship Search begins
Committee: Education: Scholarships
College Scholarships are awarded to two students from Somerville High School and Immaculata High School.
Details: The co-chair of this committee reaches out to the executive board to discuss possible candidates and then communicates with the high school guidance department of Somerville and Immaculata High Schools to identify two female students from each school that would benefit from scholarship support. Additionally, the co-chair finds out the date of each scholarship presentation night to be available to hand out scholarships to recipients].
Contacts: Somerville Guidance Department: Mrs. Nancy Garvey-908-243-1549
Immaculata Guidance Department: Mrs. Linda Tully], Director of School Counseling 908- 722-0200 ext. 1136,ltully@immaculatahighschool.org
Chairperson: Michelle Vacchio
St Patrick's Dinner for Seniors
Committee: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at the Senior Center
In collaboration with the Somerville Police Department, seniors are provided with a St. Patrick’s Day dinner and entertainment.
Details: Contact: Officer Vince to arrange for the date of dinner, confirm that he will arrange for Irish Dancers ( Heritage Irish Dance Company) and identify members of the police department that will help with serving meals.
Contact: Larry Booker- Somerset County Police Pipe and Drums
Contact: Maureen Dwyer- Ordering of Corned Beef etc.
Date: Thursday , March 14, 2024
Time: 3:30 set. up , 5pm dinner
Location: Somerville Senior Housing Building, One Mountain Ave. Somerville, NJ Chairperson: Ashley Vaughn and Maureen Dwyer
Read Across America Day
This is a Somerville Civic League club event.
Committee: Education-Guest Readers for Read Across America Day
Members of the Women’s Civic League may volunteer their time to be guest readers within an assigned classroom at Van Derveer Elementary School. The school will assign the guest readers to a classroom on the celebration day. Teachers have books for guest readers or a short favorite children’s book may be brought.
Date: Friday, March 8, 2024 (Confirm date)
Time: 9:00-10:00
Location: Van Derveer Elementary School- Meet in the front lobby for check in.
Van Derveer Contact: TBD
Chairperson: Michelle Vacchio
Girls Career Institute Delegate Registration Form Deadline
This is a Somerville Civic League club activity.
Registration form:
Girls Career Institute:
Girls' Career Institute (GCI) offers a "mini college and career exploration experience" at Douglass Residential College on the campus of Rutgers University. This institute is provided by the New Jersey Federation of Womens’ Clubs. Delegates are sponsored and the cost is underwritten by the Womens’ Civic League. Delegates are selected on the basis of interest, community service and participation in school activities. Chairperson’s of this committee reach out to high school counselors to identify delegates. Chairpersons of this group should be comfortable with contacting delegates often to make sure delegate application information is understood and deadlines are met. Our club attends the delegate luncheon to meet the delegates and families, along with providing “goody bags” and needed items for their four day stay.
Information Tool kit and timelines: https://njsfwc.org/materials/
Delegate reservation deadline: January 31st ( Names of delegates and money sent by Civic Leage treasurer to Federation)
Reservation form: https://gbr3a0.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Club-Reservation-Form-2024-fillable.pdf Reception 5//24 (TBD)
Institute- 6/3-6/2024
Chairpersons- Michelle Vacchio and Pam Wasilius